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a large area or division without definite boundaries; area away from the capital; range

area, domain; scope

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Cases of word usage

1) (of people, living creatures etc) belonging to, existing in, a region from earliest times, or from the time when the region was first known (aboriginal)

2) of the very cold region in the south of the Earth (Antarctic)

3) (a region of sea with) a group of islands (archipelago)

4) of the very cold region in the north of the Earth (arctic)

5) (the region near) an imaginary line around the Earth, or drawn on maps, at an equal distance from the north and south poles (equator)

6) (an almost) complete lack of food in a region (famine)

7) a person who explores a region looking for gold or other valuable substances (prospector)

8) a kingdom; a region (realm)

9) a kind of long, open box used for animals to feed or drink from; a region of lower atmospheric pressure between two regions of higher pressure (trough)

10) higher parts of a region or country (uplands)

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