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(a part of) the solid surface of the earth; soil; reason for believing, acting etc in a certain way

earth, land

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Cases of word usage

1) the lowest part of a building, partly or wholly below ground level (basement)

2) the area of the atmosphere and ground containing living things (biosphere)

3) (an area of) soft, wet ground (bog)

4) a hole made in the ground (by rabbits etc) (burrow)

5) a deep opening or crack in the ground (chasm)

6) to move along with the body close to the ground or floor (creep)

7) the state of being depressed; a hollow place in the surface of something, especially the ground (depression)

8) to dig up (a body) from the ground (e.g. from a grave) (disinter)

9) a long cut in the ground made by a plough; a long wrinkle on the forehead (furrow)

10) (of a horse etc) the fastest pace, with all four feet off the ground at each stride; period of riding at such a pace (gallop)

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