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a land occupied by a nation

rural, pastoral

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Cases of word usage

1) in or to a foreign country or countries; away from one's own country (abroad)

2) belonging to, coming from, a foreign country (alien)

3) an official representing the government of her or his country in a foreign country (ambassador)

4) a word that is country in meaning to another (antonym)

5) (a country with) government by people of the highest social class (aristocracy)

6) the military forces of a country organized for fighting on land (army)

7) a road with trees on each side, especially a private road to a large country house (avenue)

8) to send (a person) away, especially out of a city, country etc as a punishment (banish)

9) be an enemy to (one's country etc) (betray)

10) to refuse to have anything to do with, trade with (a person, business firm, country etc) for a reason (boycott)

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