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a particular piece of work (to be) done

job or chore, often assigned

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Cases of word usage

1) to encourage a person to be cheerful, finish a task etc by making frequent requests etc (chivvy)

2) a small task or piece of work, especially an ordinary everyday task in the home (chore)

3) a person who must work hard and long at unpleasant or uninteresting task (drudge)

4) taking, involving, unnecessary task (foolhardy)

5) to crush (a substance) to grains or powder; a long, boring task (grind)

6) a man whose task is to kill the bull in a bull-fight (matador)

7) (to cause people, help etc) to group together in order to carry out a particular task (mobilize)

8) an actor's part in a play; a person's task or duty in an undertaking (role)

9) practical skill in art, music etc; a practical method applied to a particular task (technique)

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