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most important

most important, essential

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Cases of word usage

1) a chief cook in a hotel, restaurant etc (chef)

2) (Latin) a great literary work, especially a person's chief literary work (magnum opus)

3) a chief supporter (mainstay)

4) the most important or chief kind, tendency etc (mainstream)

5) a chief city of a country; capital city (which is more usual) (metropolis)

6) a line showing the shape; a statement of the chief facts; to draw, give, (something) in outline (outline)

7) (not now used) (of) a person who is not a believer in any of the chief religions of the world (pagan)

8) (US) a chief law-enforcing officer of a country (sheriff)

9) (a particular kind of) matter; the most important part; chief or real meaning of something (substance)

10) brief; giving the chief points only; done or given without delay or mercy (summary)

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