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(a particular kind of) matter; the most important part; chief or real meaning of something

entity, element

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Cases of word usage

1) containing an acid substance and especially sour or sharp to the taste (acid)

2) a substance added in small amounts for a particular purpose (additive)

3) the chemical substance in the body that makes the heart beat faster etc, produced by anger, fear, excitement etc (adrenaline)

4) a soluble substance (such as soda, potash, ammonia) that combines with acids to form salts (alkali)

5) having an allergy (to a substance etc) (allergic)

6) a substance that removes the feeling of pain, consciousness etc (anaesthetic)

7) (of) a substance (e.g. penicillin) produced by very small fungi, able to destroy bacteria (antibiotic)

8) a substance in the blood which destroys harmful bacteria etc (antibody)

9) (of) a chemical substance able to prevent disease, especially by destroying germs (antiseptic)

10) a substance able to reduce the effects of poison (antitoxin)

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