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the sense by which flavour is known; the quality of a substance made known by this sense

flavor of some quality

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Cases of word usage

1) containing an acid substance and especially sour or sharp to the taste (acid)

2) (of food) with very little taste (bland)

3) (to cause something) to become unpleasant because of the sweet, rich taste or too much pleasure (cloy)

4) a person with good judgement on matters in which knowledge or artistic taste is needed (connoisseur)

5) giving delight to the senses of taste and smell (delicious)

6) showing, having, done with, good taste in design, style, movement, behaviour etc (elegant)

7) the sensation of taste and smell (flavour)

8) without taste or flavour, without interest, spirit (insipid)

9) having a sweet and pleasant taste and smell (luscious)

10) soft and sweet in taste (mellow)

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