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a (length of) thick, strong cord or wire made by twisting fine cords or wires together; to fasten (a person, thing) using rope

cord, line

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Cases of word usage

1) a heap of material pressed together and tied with rope or wire (bale)

2) (a length of) thick, strong rope (or wire), used on ships, bridges etc (cable)

3) (a length of) twisted strands, thicker than string, thicker than rope (cord)

4) a small hole in cloth etc used for putting a rope etc through (eyelet)

5) a rope or chain used to keep something steady or secured, e.g. to hold a tent in place (guy)

6) a rope or leather strap put round a horse's head (for leading or fastening the horse) (halter)

7) a kind of plant from which coarse fibres are obtained, used for making rope and cloth; marijuana (hemp)

8) parts of one or more pieces of string, rope etc twisted together to make a fastening (knot)

9) a cord or rope used for tying or fastening; an instance of whipping or beating (lashing)

10) a looped rope with a knot, used for catching horses and cattle (lasso)

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