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to use force or effort on (a person or thing) so as to move (her, him, it) away from oneself or in front of oneself in the same direction

physical force

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Cases of word usage

1) a small push or thrust; a site being excavated by archaeologists (dig)

2) a short pull or push (up); a kind of noose or knot; a temporary difficulty (hitch)

3) an apparatus used for hoisting; a push up (hoist)

4) a sudden push (with something long and narrow); an injection (jab)

5) to push (a person) roughly (jostle)

6) a slight touch or push (nudge)

7) to press, rub or push the nose against a person, thing (nuzzle)

8) to push (oneself, opinions etc) forward, especially when unwanted (obtrude)

9) to push (a person, thing) sharply using a stick, one's finger etc (poke)

10) to push out the lips (as a sign of not being pleased) (pout)

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PUSH as in Wikipedia