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the art of controlling events by the (pretended) force of supernatural forces, superstitious beliefs etc

supernatural power; appearance

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Cases of word usage

1) to cause a (bad) effect on (a person) using magic (bewitch)

2) (in stories) affected by magic (enchanted)

3) to drive out (e.g. an evil spirit) (from a person, place) by using prayers or magic (exorcise)

4) a (statue of) a small bearded man with (in stories) magic powers (gnome)

5) (the use of) words used in magic (incantation)

6) a person skilled in magic (magician)

7) a man who practises magic with the help of evil spirits (sorcerer)

8) words considered to have magic power; to name or write the letters of (a word); an attraction caused by a person, place, activity etc; a period of time; a period of activity or duty, especially one at which two or more people take turns (spell)

9) a form of religion, with magic and witchcraft, practised in the Caribbean especially Haiti (voodoo)

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