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not possible; that cannot be put up with

beyond the bounds of possibility

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Cases of word usage

1) to make so much noise that is difficult or impossible for (a person) to hear (deafen)

2) wild and strange; impossible to carry out (fantastic)

3) extermination of a race or community by mass murder or by imposing conditions that make survival impossible (genocide)

4) difficult or impossible to read (illegible)

5) (the seeing of) something that does not really exist; a false or impossible idea (illusion)

6) based on a false or impossible idea (illusory)

7) (of roads etc) impossible to travel through or on (impassable)

8) (almost) impossible to believe (because shocking); very surprising (incredible)

9) difficult or impossible to digest (indigestible)

10) fruit boiled with sugar until it is thick, eaten especially on bread; a number of people or things crowded together so that movement is difficult or impossible (jam)

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