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a thin coating or covering; a series of photographs that is shown quickly on a screen so that the people, objects etc in them appear to be moving

coating, tissue; mist

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Cases of word usage

1) a sealed container for magnetic tape or for photographic film (cassette)

2) (to protect a work, author, with) the sole legal right to print, publish, sell, broadcast, perform, film or record the work or any part of it (copyright)

3) a person who edits (part of) a newspaper, book or film or a TV or radio programme (editor)

4) the last part (of a word, story, film etc) (ending)

5) (literature) a play, film etc with a romantic plot that appeals strongly to one's emotions in an exaggerated or sensational way (melodrama)

6) (a section of) very small photographic film (microfilm)

7) of, fond of, skilled in, music; a film with music and singing (musical)

8) a painting, drawing, sketch, photograph etc, especially a work of art; a film shown at the cinema; to imagine (something) (picture)

9) the thin transparent film used in sunglasses, etc to reduce sun glare (polaroid)

10) the first performance of a play or (film premiere) first public showing of a cinema film (premiere)

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