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one of the parts (usually green and flat) growing from the side of a stem or branch or direct from the root of a tree, bush, plant etc

green foliage of plant

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Cases of word usage

1) (to produce) a leaf or flower in the beginning of its growth (bud)

2) a part of a fern or palm-tree that is like a leaf (frond)

3) to cover (something) with gold leaf or gold-coloured paint (gild)

4) of gild; gold leaf or gold-coloured paint used for gilding (gilt)

5) (plural) of leaf (leaves)

6) a pointed growth on the leaf or stem of a plant, or on the skin of some animals (prickle)

7) a tool with a flat blade having a sharp edge, used for digging; (any of 13 playing-cards with) a black symbol like a wide leaf with a stem (spade)

8) a new part of a plant; brussels sprout; (to cause a plant, leaf etc) to grow (sprout)

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