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the length, area, range etc (of something)

range, magnitude

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Cases of word usage

1) to examine, judge, to what extent people or things are similar or not similar (compare)

2) a measurement of any sort (especially length, height and width); extent (dimension)

3) to the right or necessary degree, extent etc (enough)

4) an extent of a piece of land or a building along its front (frontage)

5) the complete extent or scope of anything (gamut)

6) to the extent of 1/2 (half)

7) to a great extent (immoderately)

8) the frequency, extent etc with which something occurs or affects things (incidence)

9) a line or point that may not or cannot be passed; greatest or smallest amount, extent etc of what is possible (limit)

10) having much extent in space (length); to want, wish for, a person, thing very much (long)

EXTENT as in Wiktionary
EXTENT as in Wikipedia