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1) a part of the sea or of a large lake, enclosed by a wide curve of the shore (bay)

2) a space enclosed by a curved line, every point on which is at the same distance from the center (circle)

3) a place (in a building or enclosed by buildings) where people come together (concourse)

4) a small, enclosed space (cubby-hole)

5) (a current of) flowing air in a room, chimney or other enclosed place (draught)

6) an enclosed space in front of a building (forecourt)

7) a border in which a picture, photograph, window or door is enclosed or set (frame)

8) an enclosed apparatus with a fire, used for heating metals, making glass etc in a factory (furnace)

9) a large area of water enclosed by land (lake)

10) an enclosed space (in a cooker) heated for baking, roasting etc (oven)


of, in, the inside; of, concerning, a country and its people; not foreign


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