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not natural or genuine often in order to make oneself seem superior

deeply moved or hurt emotionally

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Cases of word usage

1) a condition of being affected by particular foods, fur, insect stings etc (allergy)

2) (of a situation etc) affected or troubled (by something bad) (bedevil)

3) to be / become affected by drinking alcoholic liquor (drunk)

4) (in stories) affected by magic (enchanted)

5) that cannot be moved; not able, refusing to be affected or changed (immovable)

6) protected (from disease, danger, punishment etc); not able to be affected (by); protected (against) (immune)

7) affected with rabies (rabid)

8) irregular; happening in, affected by, spasms (spasmodic)

9) badly affected (with illness, by fear etc) (stricken)

10) of, affected by, tuberculosis (tubercular)

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