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Cases of word usage

1) concerned with, related to, electricity (electrical)

2) the scientific study, technology, industry, concerned with apparatuses such as ration, TV, tape recorders, calculators, computers etc (electronics)

3) concerned with, using, fact (factual)

4) the branch of medical science that is concerned with nerves (neurology)

5) too concerned with unimportant details (persnickety)

6) to make (a person) anxious or concerned (perturb)

7) concerned with the sounds of speech; providing a symbol for each phoneme of language; (of a language) having a system of spelling close to the sounds represented by the letters (phonetic)

8) concerned with the process of doing something and the results; (of a person, character etc) clever at doing and making things; useful (practical)

9) concerned with useful results, the possibility of actually being done (and not theory or principles) (pragmatic)

10) a feeling of satisfaction because of what one has done, or because of a person, thing etc one is concerned with; self-respect (pride)

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