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the soft yellow substance produced by bees and used for making honeycomb cells; a kind of substance similar to beeswax, used for making candles etc; to cover, polish or treat (furniture, wood etc) with wax; (of the moon) to show an increasing bright area

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Cases of word usage

1) wax made by bees, as used for polishing wood (beeswax)

2) a length of wax with a string (wick) through it, used for giving light (candle)

3) (to use) a stick or pencil of coloured chalk or wax (crayon)

4) (a container with) a wax structure of six-sided cells made by bees for honey and eggs (honeycomb)

5) an instrument for drawing or writing, especially a wooden one containing lead or coloured wax (pencil)

6) an impression of something, e.g. a coin, by rubbing with wax etc on paper laid over it (rubbing)

7) of, like, wax (waxy)

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