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a kind of tall plant with a strong, thick, wooden stem (trunk)

large plant enclosed in bark and shedding leaves

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Cases of word usage

1) a tree with a round fruit with firm juicy flesh and a thin (green, red or yellow) skin (apple)

2) (a kind of tree with) a round, yellow or orange fruit with soft flesh and a large seed (apricot)

3) the outer covering of a tree (bark)

4) (the wood of) a kind of forest tree with a smooth bark and thin branches (birch)

5) a large branch growing from the trunk of a tree (bough)

6) a part of a tree growing out from the trunk or a bough (branch)

7) (a seed of) a tropical tree from which cocoa and chocolate are made (cacao)

8) (the wood of) a kind of evergreen tree with hard, red, sweet-smelling wood (cedar)

9) (a kind of, wood of) a tree with smooth, bright reddish-brown nuts (some being edible) (chestnut)

10) a sweet substance (a bar, drink, powder made from the crash seeds of the cacao tree (chocolate)

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