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difficult to accept; surprising because not known, seen, heard etc before

deviating, unfamiliar

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Cases of word usage

1) a strange or unusual event, especially an exciting for Dangerous Journey or activity (adventure)

2) very strange to look at, to have occurred etc (bizarre)

3) a shipwrecked person in a strange country or on an island (castaway)

4) a person with strange or mad ideas (crackpot)

5) with a deliberately strange or unusual appearance in order to hide one's identity (disguise)

6) (in Arabic stories) a spirit with strange powers (genie)

7) a person, animal or thing of extraordinary or strange size, shape etc; (in stories) a strange, usually frightening, imaginary creature (monster)

8) of a large size and strange shape; causing horror and disgust (monstrous)

9) a strange act, thing or person (oddity)

10) looking or sounding very odd, strange (especially to shock) (outlandish)

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