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not easily bent or changed in shape; hard to stir, work, move etc; formal, unfriendly; thoroughly; a dead body

hard, inflexible

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Cases of word usage

1) one of the short stiff hairs on an animal, in a brush etc (bristle)

2) a folded piece of stiff paper with a picture, as used for various purposes (card)

3) the thick, stiff kind of paper used for making boxes etc (cardboard)

4) (to cause blood etc) to become stiff or solid (congeal)

5) not stiff or firm; without strength (limp)

6) (a kind of) liquid for rubbing on stiff or aching parts of the body (liniment)

7) (to cause something) to become less tight, stiff or rigid; (to case a person, part of the body) to become less tense, active etc (relax)

8) to clean (something, one's body etc) by rubbing hard, especially with a stiff brush, soap and water; (land covered with) small trees and bushes (scrub)

9) (to cause a part of the body etc) to become stiff (stiffen)

10) easily bending, not stiff (supple)

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