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to take (a person's property) secretly and without right

take something without permission

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Cases of word usage

1) a person who breaks into a house etc at night in order to steal (burglar)

2) (an instance of) the crime of breaking into a house by night to steal (burglary)

3) to steal (something of small value) (filch)

4) a sudden attack (into a country etc), especially to steal supplies; to use something up, obtain success in something etc gradually (inroad)

5) to steal (a child) (especially in order to demand payment for her or his return) (kidnap)

6) to steal things from (a town etc), especially during war or civil disorder (plunder)

7) an animal, bird etc hunted for food; to attack and steal from people, boats etc (prey)

8) to go about quietly looking for a chance to get food (as wild animals do) or to steal etc (prowl)

9) to steal (something) (purloin)

10) a kind of gun with a long barrel, (to be) fired from the shoulder; to search (something) thoroughly in order to steal (rifle)

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