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(of surface) level or polished, like glass; calm and free from uncomfortable movement; (of a liquid mixture) free from lumps

level, unwrinkled; flowing

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Cases of word usage

1) (the wood of) a kind of forest tree with a smooth bark and thin branches (birch)

2) smooth and level; even (flat)

3) an area of grass cut short and smooth (lawn)

4) a cooked mixture of (especially) liver, chicken and flavouring in a smooth paste (pate)

5) a small stone made smooth and round by water (pebble)

6) a sound (as if) of a small smooth object dropping into water without a splash (plop)

7) a substance used for polishing a surface; (to cause the surface of something) to become smooth and shiny by rubbing (especially with a special substance) (polish)

8) a long-handled tool with prongs, used for pulling together dead leaves, moving soil etc; an immoral man; to make (land) smooth with a rake (rake)

9) (of surfaces) not level, smooth or polished; not calm, with uncomfortable movements; not gentle; acting violently (rough)

10) (of surfaces) not level, smooth or polished; about (roughly)

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