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1) an official representing the government of her or his country in a foreign country (ambassador)

2) the art of representing objects, scenes etc by lines, pictures etc; a diagram, picture, plan etc (drawing)

3) of or representing (the uniting of) the whole Christian world (ecumenical)

4) (the offices of) a group of officials representing their government in a foreign country (legation)

5) a symbol or character representing a sound, of which words in writing are formed (letter)

6) something considered as representing in a small scale a larger or complex system (microcosm)

7) representing living things, objects etc as they really are (naturalistic)

8) (a system of) signs or symbols representing numbers, amounts, musical notes etc (notation)

9) (the act of) representing or being represented; (especially) a polite protest (representation)


not real; something made or done like something else

simulation, substitution

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REPRESENTING as in Wikipedia