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1) (of a speech, performance) to be received (by an audience) (go over)

2) money received during a given period (as salary, receipt from trade, interest from investment etc) (income)

3) having, showing patience; a person who has received or is receiving medical treatment (patient)

4) (of) a person studying for a degree after having received a first (Bachelor) degree (postgraduate)

5) an occasion of receiving or being received; money received (in a business etc); a written statement that money or goods has or have been received (receipt)

6) an act of receiving or being received; a formal social occasion at which guests are received (reception)

7) given and received in return (reciprocal)

8) to return the same sort of bad treatment that one has received (retaliate)

9) something taken, bought or received as a gift, and kept as a reminder of a person, place or event (souvenir)

10) not changing; in a state of balance; interference in the signal received by a radio or TV (static)


of doctrine(s)

accepted, traditional


of know

famous, popular


born of parents who are married to each other; according to law or public opinion of correct or moral behaviour

authentic, valid, legal


(having opinions, beliefs etc which are) generally accepted or approved

accepted, traditional

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