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the moisture of the atmosphere falling as separate drops

downpour of water or other substance

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Cases of word usage

1) (of land, climate) having not enough rain to grow plants etc. (arid)

2) a covering against rain or sun, e.g. over a boat (awning)

3) a heavy fall (of rain etc) (downfall)

4) a heavy fall of rain (downpour)

5) (to) rain (in many small fine drops) (drizzle)

6) of acids, rain etc) to wear away, eat into, something (erode)

7) a short, sudden rush (of wind or fall of rain or snow); nervous hurry (flurry)

8) having much rain (rainy)

9) a falling snow mixed with rain (sleet)

10) a loud cry of pain or fear (especially from a baby or child); a sudden violent wind, often with rain or snow (squall)

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