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a form of a sentence which asks for information, an answer etc; to express or feel doubt about (something)

asking for answer

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Cases of word usage

1) to question (a person) closely, especially to test answers given to someone else as in a law court (cross-examine)

2) to settle (a question or a doubt); give a judgment about (something) (decide)

3) a belief, system of beliefs (especially by the Church) to be accepted as true without question (dogma)

4) a faithful supporter, especially one who obeys without question the orders of a leader (henchman)

5) to question (a person) thoroughly or formally (interrogate)

6) a word or structure used to form a question (interrogative)

7) the act of sending, flowing, giving, out something; an important question that needs discussion and a decision (issue)

8) (used to make (part of) a sentence, question etc negative) (not)

9) a question to be solved or decided, especially something difficult (problem)

10) a question or problem that is difficult to understand or answer; a game, toy etc designed to test a person's knowledge, skill or patience; to cause (a person) to become confused, worried (about the solution to a problem) (puzzle)

QUESTION as in Wiktionary
QUESTION as in Wikipedia