Show in Sentence
 Show Synonyms 

1) to give greater powers for self-government etc to (regions, branches etc away from the center) (decentralize)

2) a ruler with unlimited powers, especially one who uses these powers wrongly or cruelly (despot)

3) having to do with managing or carrying out orders; a person, group, in a business with administrative or managerial powers (executive)

4) the use of one's physical powers to make one healthier (exercise)

5) (in Arabic stories) a spirit with strange powers (genie)

6) a (statue of) a small bearded man with (in stories) magic powers (gnome)

7) any of the five powers of the body by which a person is conscious of things (i.e. sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch); a meaning (sense)


the office and functions of president; a period as a president

human or group who manages effort of an organization

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POWERS as in Wikipedia