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to carry out, do, (a piece of work, something one is ordered or has promised to do); to act a part in (a play), play (music), sing etc before an audience

carry out, accomplish

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Cases of word usage

1) to perform (a crime etc) (commit)

2) to fail to perform a duty, to appear (e.g. in a law court) or to a debt (default)

3) (of a person) organized and able to perform duties well (efficient)

4) to make (a law); to perform (a part) on the stage (enact)

5) an apparatus designed to be used to perform an action, especially for delicate or scientific work (instrument)

6) to do tricks, perform (with balls, plates etc thrown into the air) to amuse people (juggle)

7) a group of people sent abroad to perform a special task; a place where missionaries work or where charitable or medical work is carried on among poor people (mission)

8) a clergyman of a Christian Church; (of non-Christian religions) a person trained to perform special acts of religion, medicine etc (priest)

9) all the plays, songs, pieces etc which a company, actor, musician etc is prepared to perform (repertoire)

10) great skill in using the hand(s) to perform tricks, deceive etc (sleight)

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