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the money paid for regular work or services; to give (a person) money for goods, services etc

earnings from employment

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Cases of word usage

1) anything owned by a person, business etc that has money value and that may be sold to pay debts (asset)

2) unable to pay one's debts (bankrupt)

3) a written order to a bank to pay money (cheque)

4) the belief, reputation, that a person, business etc can pay debts (credit)

5) a gift (of money in addition to pay or a pension) to a retiring employee for her or his activity (gratuity)

6) to (promise to) pay a person for loss, damage; costs etc (indemnify)

7) (a person, business) unable to pay debts (insolvent)

8) to make an agreement with a business that promises to pay money in case of accident, damage, loss, death etc (insure)

9) to bring (especially an unsuccessful business company) to an end by dividing up its property to pay debts (liquidate)

10) (to pay attention in order) to hear (listen)

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