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a regular design repeated on cloth, wallpaper, carpets etc

design, motif

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Cases of word usage

1) (an organized chart with) a pattern or mental, emotional or physical activity affecting each person's (way of) life (biorhythm)

2) a pause in the rhythmic pattern of a line of verse because of meaning or punctuation (caesura)

3) (of a person, behaviour, principles etc) having a regular pattern (consistent)

4) (to make) a pattern of crossed lines (crisscross)

5) (especially) a pattern of colours of feathers, fur etc (marking)

6) a unit of measurement of length in the metric system; rhythm in poetry formed by a pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables; meter (metre)

7) marked with spots or different colours without a pattern (mottled)

8) a kind of poem containing 14 lines each of 10 syllables, and with a formal pattern of rhymes (sonnet)

9) firmly fixed or supported; not likely to fall over; not changing in amount, speed etc; (of a person behaviour) having, keeping to, a regular (good) pattern (steady)

10) a fixed pattern of behaviour, thinking etc; a typical example (stereotype)

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