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a gathering of people for pleasure; a group of people united in policy and opinion, in support of a case, especially in politics

social gathering

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Cases of word usage

1) government by paid officials not elected by the people who keep their positions whatever political party is in power (bureaucracy)

2) a state of political party joined with another or others (confederate)

3) a confidence of members of a business, club, political party etc (convention)

4) (an instance of) defecting , e.g. to another political party (or its leader), to another religion etc (defection)

5) a party or similar entertainment; regulations; to carry out, take part in, (an action or activity) (do)

6) (a system of) principles of teaching, beliefs of a church, political party etc (doctrine)

7) (of a protest, meeting, party etc) to come to a weak, unsatisfactory end (fizzle)

8) (in history) a soldier honoured for his courage; a man who has been given as honorary title (below w lord) as a reward for services to the State or to a political party (knight)

9) the political group, party etc having (more) radical views (left wing)

10) a public declaration of principles, policy, intentions etc by a ruler, political party etc (manifesto)

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