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not existing before; seen, heard of, introduced, for the first time; of recent origin; growth, manufacture etc; beginning again

recent, fresh

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Cases of word usage

1) to make (something) suitable for a new use, need, situation etc (adapt)

2) to put something right, change something in order to make it suitable for new conditions or use (adjust)

3) again; in a new way (afresh)

4) in a new or different way (anew)

5) Australia and New Zealand (antipodes)

6) completely new (brand-new)

7) an act with special clothes, actions etc, such as a wedding, funeral, the opening of a new public building etc (ceremony)

8) something that adds new difficulties (e.g. of a person who is ill) (complication)

9) to make (something new or original) (create)

10) the act of developing or being developed (all senses); a new stage or event in a progress (development)

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