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a mass of very high land going up to a peak

very large hill

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Cases of word usage

1) to go or come up (a mountain etc) (ascend)

2) a large mass of snow and ice sliding down a mountain side (avalanche)

3) a wooden mountain hut with a tall, steep roof (chalet)

4) a steep slope on a hill, mountain or cliff (escarpment)

5) (of a mountain etc) looking large and impressive (lofty)

6) a tall, pointed part of a roof; a high, slender mountain peak (pinnacle)

7) a very steep side of a rock, cliff or mountain (precipice)

8) a raised line where two sloping surfaces meet; a long mountain range; a long stretch of high land between the tops of a line of hills (ridge)

9) a mass of small loose stones on a mountain (scree)

10) having only a little extent in space (length); (of a person, mountain etc) below the average or usual height; having, taking, a little time (short)

MOUNTAIN as in Wiktionary
MOUNTAIN as in Wikipedia