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a memory; the part of a person's brain responsible for thoughts and feelings


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Cases of word usage

1) giving pleasure or delight to the mind or senses (beautiful)

2) the attractive qualities that give pleasure to the senses (especially the eye and ear) or to the mind or the intellect (beauty)

3) (a tendency towards) a sudden change of mind or behaviour that has no obvious cause (caprice)

4) the abnormal power of seeing in the mind or what exists beyond the normal range of the senses (clairvoyance)

5) to form an idea, plan etc in the mind (conceive)

6) an idea, plan etc that is formed in the mind (conception)

7) the training of the mind and character to produce self-control, obedience etc (discipline)

8) (a particular) disorder of body or mind or of plants (disease)

9) to fix (something) firmly (in a surrounding substance); to keep (something) firmly (in one's mind etc) (embed)

10) a strong feeling of any kind; an excited state of mind (emotion)

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