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1) including all groups, members etc in a business or industry (across-the-board)

2) (of a legislative assembly) having two separate groups of members e.g. the Senate and the House of Representatives in USA (bicameral)

3) (a room or building used by) a society, group etc who come together as members for a particular purpose (club)

4) belonging to, used by, coming from, done by, affecting, all or nearly all members of a group or society (common)

5) to be composed of (things, ideas etc); have (things etc) as parts or members (comprise)

6) a confidence of members of a business, club, political party etc (convention)

7) (of a committee) to add a person as a member by the votes of those who are already members (coopt)

8) not willing to admit members or mix with others considered to be inferior in social position, education etc (exclusive)

9) all people who are not members of the clergy (laity)

10) of, for, done by, people who are not members of the clergy; not professional (especially referring to law or medicine); to put (something) on, over etc something (lay)


a confidence of members of a business, club, political party etc



the people employed in a business or organization

employees of business or other enterprise

MEMBERS as in Wiktionary
MEMBERS as in Wikipedia