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(to cause something)become less in size, importance, effect etc

lower, reduce

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Cases of word usage

1) (of machines, equipment) to lessen the difficulty of (an activity, process) (facilitate)

2) to divide (something) into two equal parts; to lessen (something) by one half (halve)

3) (a competition, race, in which there is) a disadvantage imposed on a competitor to make the chances of success more equal for all; anything likely to lessen one's chances of success (handicap)

4) (an instance of) pressing and rubbing the body with the hands in order to lessen pain, stiffness etc (massage)

5) to lessen or remove (pain or distress); to dismiss (a person) from employment (relieve)

6) dullness (on metal) because the brightness has gone; to lessen the quality of (a person's reputation) (tarnish)

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