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the system of human communication of knowledge, ideas, feelings etc using sounds and words

system of words for communication

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Cases of word usage

1) a word in one language with the same origin as a word in another language (analogue)

2) (of words) to combine in a way characteristic of language (collocate)

3) a form of a language (grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation) used in a part of a country or by a class of people (dialect)

4) a book explaining the words of a language arranged in alphabetical order (dictionary)

5) the skilful use of language to express oneself or persuade others (eloquence)

6) the use of figurative language to produce an imaginative or emotional response or to make descriptions stronger (imagery)

7) angry, abusive language (invective)

8) a style of a language full of technical or special words (jargon)

9) of the vocabulary of a language (lexical)

10) a language that one does not know; way of talking, vocabulary, of a particular group of people (lingo)

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