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a public official with authority to hear and decide cases in a law court

person who arbitrates

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Cases of word usage

1) to judge the value, worth, quality of (something) (appraise)

2) to consider, judge (it / something) to be (the kind of condition mentioned) (deem)

3) the state of judging or being judged; a decision of a judge or court (judgment)

4) of, by, a court of justice of a judge (judicial)

5) an officer acting as a judge in the lowest courts; Justice of the Peace (magistrate)

6) to judge (a person, measurement etc) wrongly; form a wrong opinion of (a person, thing) (misjudge)

7) quick to judge and understand (perspicacious)

8) strongest; a decision made by a person in authority, e.g. a judge (ruling)

9) (a statement by judge etc of) a punishment; a set of words used to form a statement, question, command etc and, when written, beginning with a capital letter and ending with a full stop, question mark or exclamation mark) (sentence)

10) (an instance of) testing, trying, proving; (an instance of) examination in a law court before a judge (and jury) (trial)

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