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in poor health; bad; badly


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Cases of word usage

1) to be ill (ail)

2) a vehicle designed for carrying people who are ill or injured to a hospital (ambulance)

3) to cause (a person) to die or be very ill by stopping enough air from entering the lungs (asphyxiate)

4) helping to, able to, cure disease or ill health (curative)

5) the state of being ill (illness)

6) unable to control excretion, e.g. because ill (incontinent)

7) a hospital (the usual word); (in an institution etc) a room used for people who are ill or injured (infirmary)

8) (an agreement by a business company or the State to provide) money because of ill health, death, loss of property etc paid in return for regular payments in advance (insurance)

9) to pretend to be ill etc in order to escape duty or work (malinger)

10) a professional person who cares for people who are ill or injured (in a hospital etc); a woman employed to look after babies and young children in a family (nurse)

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