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not solid, with a hole or empty space inside; unreal; false; insincere

empty, hollowed out

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Cases of word usage

1) (to attack (a place) etc with) a hollow metal container filled either with explosive or with tear gas etc (bomb)

2) a deep, round, hollow dish (bowl)

3) a solid or hollow body shaped like a pole or log (cylinder)

4) a hollow growth in the body containing liquid matter (cyst)

5) a hollow place in a hard surface as made by a blow or by pressure (dent)

6) the state of being depressed; a hollow place in the surface of something, especially the ground (depression)

7) a small natural hollow in the chin or cheek e.g. when a person smiles (dimple)

8) a kind of musical instrument usually made of a hollow round frame with skin stretched over it, played by beating (drum)

9) a long, hollow area in the surface of a hard material, especially one made for something that slides along it, e.g. a sliding door or window (groove)

10) flour paste (pasta) made into hollow tubes, cooked by boiling (macaroni)

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