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(the study of) the branch of knowledge dealing with the past events of a country, a continent or the world

past events, experiences

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Cases of word usage

1) to come before (something) in the history of time (antedate)

2) a person's life history written by another (biography)

3) a turning point in an illness, life, history (crisis)

4) a period in history starting from a particular development or event (era)

5) the scientific study of the origin and history of words (etymology)

6) all the animals of an area or a period of history (fauna)

7) all the plants of an area or a period of history (flora)

8) the scientific study of the earth's history as shown by its rocks etc (geology)

9) a writer, student, of, expert in, history (historian)

10) notable or memorable in history (historic)

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