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(used as the subject of a verb) a male person or animal mentioned


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Cases of word usage

1) (an instance of) voluntary sexual intercourse of a married person with a person to whom he or she is not married (adultery)

2) (an instance of) the Christian ceremony of touching a person with, or putting a person in, water, to show that he or she is accepted as a member of the church (baptism)

3) a person whose parents are not married when he or she is born (bastard)

4) to call (a person) by a movement of the hand or arm e.g. to show that he or she must come nearer or follow (beckon)

5) a person who receives money, property etc especially from a person when he or she dies (beneficiary)

6) not having a husband, wife, child etc because he or she has died (bereaved)

7) to do what he or she commands (bidding)

8) a person who claims to have more skill, knowledge or ability then he or she really has (charlatan)

9) the letters or papers showing that a person is what he or she claims to be (credentials)

10) to confuse (a person) so that he or she does not know a place, the time, the date etc (disoriented)

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