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(used with the past participle of another verb (e.g. moved, done) to form) a: the present perfect tense, b: the past perfect tense, c: the future perfect tense, d: the perfect conditional tense

be in possession

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Cases of word usage

1) to have a great number of quantity of something (abound)

2) to give or have something as a share (for a purpose) (allocate)

3) a leading character who does not have the traditional characteristics of a hero such as courage and dignity (antihero)

4) money that is owing and that ought to have been paid (arrears)

5) a group of people who have come together for a particular purpose (assembly)

6) the similarity of sound between one word and another because they have the same vowel or the same consonant (assonance)

7) (of a woman, female animal) unable to have young ones (barren)

8) very strange to look at, to have occurred etc (bizarre)

9) to refuse to have anything to do with, trade with (a person, business firm, country etc) for a reason (boycott)

10) an invitation or call to play a game, run a race, have a fight etc to see who is better, stronger etc (challenge)

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