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solid and firm; not easy to bend, dent, cut etc


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1) any animal of a group having jointed legs, a segmented body and a hard external skeleton, such as a crab, spider, beetle or centipede (arthropod)

2) a (long, narrow) piece of hard material; a room, counter, where alcoholic drinks are sold; Lawyers Association (bar)

3) to strike (something, a person) hard and often (batter)

4) a person or thing having been hit hard and often (battered)

5) a hard stroke (given with the hand, a stick etc) (blow)

6) (to cause something hard and rigid) to separate into many pieces because of a fall, hit etc (break)

7) (e.g. ice, glass) hard but easily broken (brittle)

8) (of the skin) made hard (by rough work etc) (callous)

9) a grey powder (made by burning lime and clay) which, after being wetted, becomes hard like stone and is used for building etc (cement)

10) a kind of hard cheese, very common in Britain (cheddar)

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