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any kind of weapon that sends shells or bullets from a metal tube

weapon that shoots

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Cases of word usage

1) (a weekly or monthly) paper book, with stories, pictures etc; a place for holding cartridges in a rifle or gun (magazine)

2) a person who can use a gun well (marksman)

3) a small ball of something soft, made by rolling it between the fingers; a type of small metal ball, used for a gun (pellet)

4) a small gun (pistol)

5) something (especially a weapon) (to be) sent forward, especially from a gun or launching-pad (projectile)

6) a kind of gun with a revolving part that makes it possible to fire a number of bullets without reloading (revolver)

7) a kind of gun with a long barrel, (to be) fired from the shoulder; to search (something) thoroughly in order to steal (rifle)

8) (a sound of) the act of firing a gun etc; an attempt at doing something successfully (shot)

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