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a feeling of not liking

antagonism, hatred toward something

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Cases of word usage

1) (an instance or example of) strong dislike (antipathy)

2) a strong dislike (aversion)

3) a very strong feeling of dislike (e.g. caused by a bad smell or taste, a horrible sight, very bad behaviour) (disgust)

4) extreme dislike (hate)

5) (something that causes) a feeling of extreme fear, disgust or dislike (horror)

6) to feel disgust because of (something); to dislike (a person, thing) (loathe)

7) an unhealthy and strong fear or dislike (phobia)

8) neat; formal; (of a person, manner, speech etc) showing dislike of anything rough, rude, improper (prim)

9) to drive (a person, thing) back or away; to cause (a person) to feel dislike (repel)

10) a strong dislike (repugnance)

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