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(a particular) disorder of body or mind or of plants

ailment, affliction

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Cases of word usage

1) Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (a very dangerous disease passed into the blood through sexual intercourse, syringe needles already used by an infected person etc) (AIDS)

2) a medicine used to prevent a poison or disease from having an effect (antidote)

3) a kind of long bacteria, one of which causes disease (bacillus)

4) (kinds of) very small living things, many of which cause disease or help dead animals and plants to decay (bacteria)

5) a kind of plant disease (blight)

6) a disease that destroys the wood of trees (canker)

7) (of a disease or physical condition) continuing for a long time (chronic)

8) (to cause a material) to wear away slowly by chemical action or disease (corrode)

9) helping to, able to, cure disease or ill health (curative)

10) the act of diagnosing a disease (diagnosis)

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