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(going) straight; not curved or crooked; not turned aside


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Cases of word usage

1) a person earlier then a grandparent who is a direct relative (ancestor)

2) a person's group of direct relatives (ancestry)

3) the direct opposite (antithesis)

4) to make a move that prevents the opponent's king from being moved away from a direct attack (and so win the game) (checkmate)

5) (of evidence) based on details that suggest something strongly but do not provide direct proof (circumstantial)

6) going round and not taking the direct way (devious)

7) in a direct manner; exactly (directly)

8) of drive; to operate, direct the course of (a car etc) (drove)

9) not straight or direct (indirect)

10) one of the parts (usually green and flat) growing from the side of a stem or branch or direct from the root of a tree, bush, plant etc (leaf)

DIRECT as in Wiktionary
DIRECT as in Wikipedia