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1) (of) a person sexually attracted to people of her or his won sex described in medical textbooks as mental illness (homosexual)

2) a short description, usually a poem, of simple country life, especially described as extremely pleasant (idyll)

3) that cannot be described (indescribable)

4) the band of colours as seen in a rainbow and usually described as red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet; a wide range or sequence (spectrum)

5) a small, flat-headed nail; a long, loose stitch used to fasten pieces of cloth together loosely or temporarily; a sailing-ship's direction described according to the direction of the wind and the position of the sails (tack)

6) that cannot be expressed or described in words (unspeakable)

7) (almost) as described but not accepted or stated openly (virtual)


containing many details

itemized, particularized

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